View of Amelia Earhart walking up the wing of her Lockheed Electra, parked in a hangar at the U.S. Navy Air Station, Oakland, California. She climbs into the cockpit. In the hangar, near the aircraft, she is seen talking with husband, George P. Putnam. Paul Mantz and Fred Noonan are seen briefly. Earhart and Mantz begin weighing each piece of equipment, while George Putnam records the weights. Mechanic Bo McKneely appears in white coverall, with "Grand Canyon Airlines" written on back. He converses with Mantz and moves to the airplane. Putnam playfully puts a tropical pith helmet on Earhart's head. Putnam brings a rubber life raft to Mantz and Earhart, who examine it. Fred Noonan joins the other three. Earhart gives Noonan a card on the end of a long pole. He reads and pockets it. (Note: The space, in the airplane, between cockpit and cabin, was so crowded with fuel tanks, etc. that Noonan was unable to reach it. So he would use the pole to pass position reports to Earhart during flight.) The four, Amelia Earhart, Paul Mantz, George Putnam, and Fred Noonan, begin placing the equipment into the aircraft cabin.
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