Aviation pioneer, aircraft designer and builder, Glenn L. Martin, at his desk, stands behind a model of the Martin M-130 Clipper flying boat. He reads a 1910 postcard from the family doctor to his mother, warning that her son (Glenn) will kill himself if he persists in his aviation endeavors. Next, one of Martin's earliest employees and collaborators, Donald Douglas, Sr. is seen with his dog. He says his first memory of things in aviation, was seeing the first Wright airplane demonstrated for the Signal Corps in 1908, at Fort Myer. Period film shows the Wright Flyer airplane with twin rear propellers turning. Next view shows Orville Wright along with military officers and officials, standing near the launching tower (from which a propelling weight would drop). Orville Wright is seen climbing aboard the airplane, after the first flight demonstration, as Lieutenant Lahm joins him to be the first military officer to ever fly in an airplane. Next, the weight is seen falling from the launching tower, propelling the airplane along a single track to take off. It is seen flying above spectators at the Fort Myer drill field. View of a U.S. Army balloon in flight overhead. Scene shifts to pioneer Army balloonist, Roy Knabenshue, who was hired by the Wright Company in 1910. He holds a photograph of a balloon, and identifies Walter Brookins, in the photograph. (Brookins was taught to fly by the Wright brothers and became the first instructor for their Exhibition Team.) Knabenshue extols the skills of Brookins as a Wright Company pilot, along with Arch Hoxsey and Ralph Johnson. While Khabenshue is speaking, views of a Wright Flyer in the air at Fort Myer are seen.
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