First scene shows U.S. marines descending rope net ladder from side of the USS Pickaway (APA-222) in waters off Da Nang, South Vietnam. Next, marines of 2nd Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment are seen hitting the beach at Danang, from her Higgins boats on 7 July,1965. Scene shifts to U.S. Air Force C-130 aircraft carrying U.S. army troops who are photographed as they step from the aircraft. Trucks carrying some of these soldiers drive along a road in South Vietnam. Officer confer over tactical map of an area. Vietnamese civilian refugees are seen struggling to depart. Small Vietnamese children at a school or other institution, are photographed as they line up and wash themselves before eating a meal. Smallest children are seated in high chairs. President Johnson seen saying "I do not find it easy to send the flower of our youth, our finest young men, into battle." Pictures of young American men and women are shown in various places and circumstances. A young couple. A man in cowboy hat. A factory worker. A young man laughing. a steel worker on an I beam during construction of a high rise building. Young people assembled at some sort of occasion. Images of Chinese Chairman, Mao Zedong, and Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh. Bow of a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier cutting the water, and then broad view of entire ship, the USS Randolph (CV-15). (Note: the Randolph played no role in the Vietnam War.) Aircraft being catapulted from a carrier. USAF B-52 bombers dropping bombs in Arc Light missions over Vietnam. Bombs exploding on the ground. U.S. Marines operating a type of landing craft tracked. Troops deploying from a landing craft at a beach. American troops making their way through jungles. Scene reverts back to President Johnson still speaking (July 28, 1965).
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