Recovery actions by U.S. Navy and Marine personnel in the wake of the Battle of Midway in World War 2. Opening scene shows religiious services being held by a bomb crater that had once been a chapel on Midway Island. That evening, marines are assembled near flag-covered coffins of fallen comrades, in a burial ceremony. A marine chaplain conducts a funeral service, as Marines stand, with their rifles, at parade rest Several views from different perspectives of the event. An honor guard fires a volley with rifles. The American flag is at half staff, in the background. Among the officers seen is Marine Major James Roosevelt, son of the U.S. President, Franklin Roosevelt. Next, Navy boats are seen offshore, carrying the fallen for burial at sea. U.S. Navy aircraft fly in formation overhead. A marine scans the sky with binoculars as dense black smoke continues to billow from the petroleum facility bombed by the Japanese several days ago, and hangs like a pall over Midway Island. The American flag on a tall pole, is highlighted against the black smoke. Film ends with series of Slates summarizing Japanese losses in the Battle of Midway. The first shows 4 Japanese Carriers sunk. It is painted over by a brush containing red paint. Another slate announces 28 Japanese Battleships, Cruisers, Destroyers sunk or damaged. A paint brush places a large black cross over that slate. A final slate states 300 Japanese aircraft destroyed. The red paint brush appears again, but this time it marks a big āVā for Victory across the slate.
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