British Lancasters bomb at Brest, Canadian troops advance, civilians buy goods and U.S. soldiers secure voting cards in France ...
Normal life of civilians resume after German surrender in some parts of France during World War II. British Lancaster bomber aircraft demonstrates precision bombing in flight. View from bomb bay doors of bombs away shot as the Lancaster aircraft drop bombs on U-boat pens at Brest. Explosions and smoke rise. The aircraft drop bombs over ground installation over enemy area. Canadian troops: Troops advance through a burning coastal town in France. Buildings collapsing and gunfire in streets. Smoke rising. Ruins of destroyed French town are seen. Allied Army tanks advance and fire artillery. German prisoners of war from Wehrmacht 7th and 15th armies being marched under watch by Canadian forces. Among the German prisoners is a 13 year old Russian boy who was forced to work by the Nazis. German prisoners in a soup line and seen drinking from mugs. U.S. Army soldiers in Le Mans: Yanks get welcome by civilians of France. Happy French civilians waving to U.S. forces including a happy young woman who runs forward and pats a U.S. Army tank with her hand. Collaborationists who assisted the Germans are rounded up by French and marched away. U.S. Army soldiers seated at stools in a French bar drink as the bar maid pours more into their glasses. French civilians line up at shops and groceries to buy food and goods in Le Mans. Pictures of General De Gaulle for sale. American women in U.S. Army uniforms look in shop windows at French fashions. Voting cards: U.S. Army troops read pamphlets that read "requirement of soldiers to vote" and "Soldiers Voting". The U.S. Army GI's receive and mail postcards to their homes requesting absentee voting ballots for the upcoming November 1944 election. The soldiers line up to secure their application cards for absentee ballots.
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