Kaiser Wilhelm at his villa (Huis Doorn, Langbroekerweg 10, 3941 MT Doorn, Netherlands) in Holland, where he resided in exile. He stands on a bridge and throws food to ducks, from a basket held by an assistant. One of his 5 dachshund dogs is at his feet. View of ducks swimming around retrieving food. Closeup of the Kaiser smoking a cigarette and nodding to his assistant as they empty the basket. The exiled Kaiser holding a cane with his withered hand, as he strolls with a visitor. Later he is seen in his garden smoking a cigarette, as an assistant rolls a wheelbarrow of split firewood to him. Using only his right hand, He throws chunks of wood from the wheelbarrow to a pile in a shed nearby. Men in the background are spitting more firewood. Next, the Kaiser is seen arm in arm strolling with his second wife, widowed Princess Henriette of Schönaich-Carolath, whom he married in 1922. Close-up of the couple as they pause momentarily for the camera.
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