The entire ship's company is seen assembling on the deck of a South Dakota class battleship (possibly the USS Indiana) during World War 2. Her 16-inch guns,in a triple turret,loom over the assemblage. (The gun barrels appear to have bronze collars around their bases.) A variety of other vessels, including U.S. warships, are anchored in the background. The location is somewhere in the Pacific. The Navy Captain, assuming command of the ship, and an Admiral step upon a platform, followed by the Captain,being relieved of command, who salutes the Admiral, and steps back. The Admiral addresses the assemblage. Then the Captain assuming command, reads his orders. A cloud of black smoke appears momentarily in the background. Camera pans to Gun turret and ship's superstructure above heads of the sailors. The Admiral and two Captains join the ship's company in saluting (perhaps as national anthem is played). Scene shifts to two Navy officers wearing garrison caps, posing on the ship, and shaking hands. Waters of a bay and hills are in background. Camera then shows the new ship's Captain and the Admiral walking past some of the ship's officers, as the ceremony is ended.
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