Representatives of many countries attend a UN meeting and interviews of foreign ministers of Thailand, Malaysia and Philippines...
ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) foreign ministers discuss the refugee crisis in Southeast Asia to the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. The plight of Southeast Asian and Chinese refugees, with focus on role of international organizations, being discussed by United Nation (UN) members. View of Geneva, Switzerland. United Nation representatives convene for a meeting. The Belgian representative listening. Representatives of 59 countries and Foreign Ministers of Thailand, Malaysia and Philippines attend a meeting. Tengku Ahmad Rithauddeen, Foreign Minister of Malaysia is interviewed, detailing possible lack of resources, financial concerns to Malaysia for accommodating refugees. Carlos P. Romulo, Foreign Minister of Philippines speaks about establishment of refugee center. “The President Marcos has announced that we were willing to establish a refugee center for 10,000 refugees. And that’s been carried out. A center has been established. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has visited the facilities. He praised the facilities highly. But then we found out and the president has approved that we should increase the facilities from 10,000 to 15,000. So it is well-organized, well-established refugee center in a place called Morong, near Bataan. And considering our modest means, that is our contribution to this refugee question.” Mr. Romulo said. Siddhi Savetsila, the Foreign Minister of Thailand is interviewed.
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