Adolf Hitler's triumphant return to Berlin after his visit to Vienna, in March 1938. A Junkers Ju-52 trimotor aircraft is parked on the ramp at Tempelhof Airport (Platz d. Luftbrücke 5, 12101 Berlin, Germany) Berlin. Another is seen landing (carrying Hitler). Nazi flags fly over passenger area crowded with spectators. Cars are parked along the ramp and large white letters spelling "Berlin," visible from the air, are displayed on the ground. Formations of people are seen in various areas of the airport. A closeup of mostly young people swaying back and forth, having fun. A motorcade of cars makes its way through the formations of spectators. Adolf Hitler is standing in the lead car, giving the Nazi salute as spectators cheer him. His car stops, and Hitler steps out to be joined by Hermann Goering and a helmeted army officer carrying a sword. Views of the dense crowds lining both sides of the pathway. Scene shifts to Hitler, Goering, and the Army officer, walking past an honor guard presenting arms in salute. The army officer salutes with his sword and takes up a position in front of the Honor Guard, while Hitler returns the salute and continues with Hermann Goering. Camera pans over the dense cheering crowds in the Wilhelmplatz (77 Wilhelmstraße, 10117 Berlin, Germany). Hitler and Goering appear on a balcony. (Note: the only sound is of crowds cheering.)
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