A celebration during the Cultural Revolution and the deification of Mao Zedong in Beijing, China. A large crowd of civilians gathered in a square during the celebration. Paper lanterns seen. Buildings in the background. The civilians cheer and celebrate, all waving their copies of Mao's Little Red Book (sometimes called the Mao bible). Dignitaries stand on a raised platform. Cho En Lai addresses the gathering. Mao Zedong stands nearby. Communist Chinese leaders lead the crowds in chants. A band plays and masses of Chinese march with flags and moving a gigantic image of Mao Zedong. The sky above Tiananmen Square is filled with balloons. A mass of Red Guard Chinese youth march with huge mural Poster depicting Chinese workers. Images of Marx, Lenin and Stalin are carried in the parade. Large crowds of Chinese people march in the Tiananmen Square, waving their copies of Mao's Little Red Book.
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