President Franklin D. Roosevelt is seen driving his personal Ford Phaeton hand-controlled car along the tree-lined drive at the estate. Also in the car are his daughter, Anna Roosevelt Dall, and her daughter, Anna Eleanor Dall ("Sistie") and son, Curtis Roosevelt Dall ("Buzzie"). The children are both standing in the back of the car. Next, Roosevelt sits in his car, parked in a cornfield, near the Little White House in Warm Springs, Georgia, while his grandchlldren, Anna and Curtis Dall, visit with farm hands who are piling old plants into a truck. President Roosevelt seen in a close-up. Scene changes to the lawn at "Springwood, where his grandchildren, surround him as he writes letters of thanks, acknowledging congratulatory messages received on his reelection. Next, FDR and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, are seen sitting in wicker chairs on the lawn, when they are approached by grandchildren, Anna and Curtis, astride horses, and granddaughter, Sara, on a pony. Mrs. Roosevelt had been doing needlework. Their dog, “Meggie” sits nearby. Close-up of Sara on her pony. FDR pets the pony while talking to Sara. Scene shifts to President Roosevelt at a desk, looking over his stamp collection. Next, FDR sits by a fireplace with his Mother, Sara Ann Delano Roosevelt. They converse and share a laugh.
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