Opening scene shows Abdulaziz Al Saud (Ibn Saud) founder of Saudi Arabia, with members of his retinue, stepping from a KLM Royal Dutch Airlines Fokker VIII airplane at an airport. The words: "Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij (Royal Aviation Company) and a crest appear on the side of the aircraft. The King and party are met by a diplomat in a top hat. People in Western European clothing stand near a long trailer that looks like a private rail car. It is hooked to a truck tractor and would seem to be for transporting the King and his party further in their travels. In complete change of scene, armed Arab cavalry parade and then demonstrate prowess riding and shooting from horseback. Western Europeans mingle with Arab sheiks and a French officer. A young Emir (Arabic Prince) entertains friends. The young emir and his friends wear western clothes. Members of a tribe of desert nomads.
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