Film describing the 100th Infantry Battalion, 442nd Regimental Combat Team, comprising Americans of Japanese ancestry, in World...
Film opens showing relatives of fallen American soldiers of Japanese ancestry who made the ultimate sacrifice in the European theater of operations, during World War 2. The dead soldiers were members of the United states 100th Infantry Battalion, 442nd Regimental Combat Team. The relatives are assembled in an auditorium at a military installation in Hawaii, where the 100th Infantry is conducting a ceremony honoring their fallen heroes.Camera pans over some of the relatives. Decorations for valor are presented posthumously to some of the surviving relatives. A widow receives the Silver Star. A father receives the Distinguished Service Cross. A mother receives her son's award. Film shifts to scenes showing artillery batteries of the 100th Infantry in action at numerous battles in the Italian Campaign, including Naples, Cassino, Rapido River, Pisa, Anizo and others during World War 2. A column of 100th Infantry accompanied by armor, are seen entering Livorno, Italy. Members in a jeep are seen passing through area of complete destruction. Others pick their way through rubble, as civilians bass the opposite way,carrying salvaged belongings, Troops of the 100th move cautiously and deploy near barricades to shield from snipers. They escort captured German prisoners. Battle casualties are seen being carried into field hospitals. A medical team performing emergency surgery inside a tent. Wounded and convalescing patients being tended by a woman Army nurse. Others recovering outside tents at the field hospital. A group of 100th infantry troops taking a break. One of their medics is interviewed. Gunners seen with Browning M1917 machine gun. Troops preparing a meal in the field. A soldier presenting paper airplanes to Italian children who fly them. M4 Sherman tank parked on Italian street. Battalion members attending a Roman Catholic mass in the field. Army interviewer asks a Japanese-American Lieutenant why he fights in the U.S. Army. He responds saying "I'm fighting over here for the better things of life, and to preserve the American way of living."
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