Nazi leaders in Germany giving speeches during World War 2. Soldiers from various countries like England, Poland, Greece, America and Norway. View of young boy soldiers in Germany at end of World War 2. Earlier scene of Nazi Waffen SS soldiers as they march with goosestep on parade. Victims executed in Nazi massacre in Italy shown with hands tied behind their backs. Nazi victims mourned in France. Bodies of women and children slain by the Nazi SS in Belgium. A large crowd of civilians gathered to pay homage to the dead in Lublin, Poland. Allied military vehicles and personnel trample and walk on Nazi flags and posters in Germany. A pile of Nazi flags burning in the street, as men, women and children walk past. German prisoners of war assembled in a large outdoor enclosure, and moving out in a line. German soldiers surrendering, with white flags displayed. American soldiers look at open mass graves of persons shot dead by Nazis. Boy children inmates of Buchenwald concentration camp stand behind barbed wire fence around the time of its liberation. Scenes of ordinary life in the United States. A boy retrieves a ball from a pond, and throws it. Children ride on see saws. A baby take first few faltering steps. A girl hangs from monkey bar. A man and two women share a newspaper article.
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