Earth Day in Washington D.C. (part of a series of clips in a row). Environmental activists and demonstrators protest against oil drilling in the Gulf and elsewhere. A large crowd of environmentalists and concerned citizens gathered on the street. They march holding banners. One demonstrator flashes the Peace sign and a clenched fist 'fight the power' sign at the same time. Banners seen include 'God is not dead he is polluted on earth' , 'R.I.P. 1990 A.D.', 'Standard Oil is Spouting Off', and 'No Oil Drilling in the Gulf' The people gather outside the United States Department of the Interior building. They protest against the oil drilling and attendant pollution. Senator Gaylord Nelson, organizer of Earthday, is seen in the crowd. A flag, similar to the United States flag, but with green stripes, flutters in the wind atop a flagpole. Oil that has been spilled on the sidewalk is seen.
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