Operation Swift Strike in North Carolina. Troops and equipment of the U.S. 101st Airborne Division are loaded onto U.S. Air Force C-119Fs Flying Boxcar transport aircraft. USAF B-57 Canberra bomber aircraft in flight. USAF KC-135A Stratotanker aerial refueling aircraft takes off. Men work at communications console and plot boards. USAF F-105s Thunderchief fighter aircraft peel off. USAF F-100Ds Super Sabre and RF-84F Thunderstreak fighter aircraft peel off. F-100 and RF-84F aircraft in flight overhead. F-100 aircraft in steep climb. C-119Fs aircraft take off and retract landing gear. C-119Fs in flight drop paratroops. USAF Chief of Staff General Curtis Emerson LeMay,USAF Major General Maurice Arthur Preston and U.S. Army Lieutenant General Thomas J. H Trapnell watch from spectator stands. USAF C-130 Hercules transport aircraft drop heavy equipment. Paratroopers descend and land on ground. Troops deploy and move equipment by Army mule. USAF C-123s Provider transport aircraft land and unload troops. Jeeps full of troops move past a line of parked C-123s.
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