The film titled 'Child of the Ghetto' depicts sorrows faced by a woman in the United States. Mix of dramatized scenes and actual footage. A woman weeps as she looks at her mother's dead body. A man consoles her. The woman sits in a chair in her house. Another woman comes and tells her to go out to work. At approximately 1 minute into the clip is seen footage of Rivington Street, in the lower east side of Manhattan, New York City, with immigrants crowding the sidewalks and push cart vendors and their carts jamming the curbs. She seeks work but is rejected several times. She finally gets piece work at a garment factory and takes a pile of clothes to her house. She sews clothes and goes to the factory to deliver the garments and get paid. The factory owner's son steals money from his father and accuses the woman of it. The woman runs from the factory and arrives at her house. A policeman arrives at her house. The woman runs from her house and hides in the country. A farmer sees her and takes her to his house. She started living at the farmer's house. The policeman comes to fish near the farmer's house. He sees the woman and recognizes her. She asks the policeman to believe she is innocent. He does, and goes back to fishing.
The farmer and the girl are happy.
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