Episode of "The Big Picture", a U.S. Army series of news release programs. U.S. Army cameraman recording Nike missile launch. Atomic cannon fires shell creating atomic explosion and classic mushroom cloud.. Army troops spill out of Sikorsky YH-19 helicopters. U.S. Army infantry soldiers ascend hill firing their rifles. Atomic experiments at Camp Desert Rock in Nevada, United States. U.S. Army Master Sergeant Stuart Queen seated at a desk in his office. He speaks about a series of atomic experiments ("Desert Rock 6") held in barren lands of Nevada at Camp Desert Rock. Celebrating victory in Europe, during World War 2, American troops parade down the Champs Elysees in Paris, France, with the Arc de Triomphe behind them. Happy Parisians watch the parade. War scenes in Japan: footage of explosion and mushroom cloud rising after atomic bomb blast over Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. Barren land on the ground in Hiroshima after the August 6, 1945 atomic blast there . B-29 bombers in flight. Atomic bomb test detonation. Atomic artillery gun M65, also called the Atomic Cannon or Atomic Annie, fires and creates nuclear explosion on distant target.Viking missile launch. U.S. soldiers on parade. Headquarters sign at U.S. Army atomic experiment station at Camp Desert Rock, Nevada, displaying 6-pointed star with "A" in center.. Several atomic test explosions. Soldiers on hillside witness a non-nuclear explosion. Buses carry troops along a road past a sign warning of radiation hazard. Army captain, instructor, briefing troops before the start of atomic maneuvers.. Maps of planned maneuvers. Engineer surveyors lay out ground zero target. View of the ground zero area which is the target area for testing. Signal men lay communication lines to receive and transmit teletype messages. Men operate machinery and dig trenches in which troops will take cover. Other men cover them with sand. [Note: According to the U.S. Department of State, Office of the Historian, from February 18 to May 15, 1955, the United States conducted Operation Teapot, a nuclear test series at Yucca Flat and Frenchman Flat on the Nevada Test Site in the continental United States. During the test period 14 nuclear shots and 1 non-nuclear shot were detonated. Several thousand scientific, military (army, air force, navy, marines), and civilian contract personnel participated in the organization, planning, and execution of the test series. Military exercises undertaken during and following the shots took place under the name Desert Rock 6.]
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