U.S. experimental tank undergoing field test. Army instructors explain new weapon systems. Captured German rockets.Soviet para...
A U.S. experimental tank undergoing field tests in the United States. Soldiers test weapons on a field. An officer demonstrates use of mortar. A flame thrower being fired. Instructors explaining new Army weapon systems. U.S. soldiers pull a captured German V-1 buzz bomb from a shed, for testing. A captured German V-2 rocket is rolled out for testing. The rocket is launched successfully from a launch pad. Soviet Leader Joeseph Stalin and Foreign Minister Minister Vyacheslav M. Molotov together, with two Soviet Generals,are seen on a reviewing balcony, above Lenin's tomb, as they watch a Military parade in Red Square, Moscow. Soldiers holding guns march through streets. Tanks and missiles mounted on flat cars move. Buildings in the background. Russian revolutionary Vladimir Llyich Lenin's poster on a wall.
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