Training of American draftees before World War II; also Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and Roosevelt's request for declaration...
United States soldiers and new recruits at a camp in the U.S. before outbreak of World War II. New recruits and U.S. Army soldiers in training run obstacle course. Soldiers in their uniforms march through the camp area. Tents in the background. Newly drafted U.S Army soldiers learn to fire weapons on firing range using artificial wooden rifles. U.S. soldiers seen training with wooden replica machine guns and using empty Adelphi beer cans as substitute artillery ammunition for training purposes. Teams of soldiers compete in moving a giant ball. They compete in blindfolded boxing on their knees. Lacking adequate war materiel for training, they make do by pretending that trucks are tanks and labeling them with such signs. They pretend with wooden guns and throw flour sacks instead of grenades. Scenes of the Pearl Harbor raid by the Empire of Japan on December 7, 1941. Views of the USS Arizona being hit and various ships on fire soon after the attack. United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt is seen addressing Congress, where he asks for a declaration of war against Japan.
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