The first Kennedy-Nixon Presidential Debate in Chicago, Illinois. Charles Warren from Mutual News asks Democratic candidate Senator John F Kennedy about the need of assistance by the federal government for farm surpluses. Kennedy answers and states that the federal government supports farmers, as farmers cannot control their market because they lack bargaining power. He states that the overall economy depends on the agricultural economy. He talks about the interdependency of agriculture with other sectors. He further talks about farm policy, support price mechanism and tax load from the Treasury for the farmer. He says the policy for balancing effective supply and demand can only be carried out through governmental action. Republican candidate U.S. Vice President Richard M. Nixon presents his views and states that he disagrees with Kennedy that the farmers need more governmental control. He blames that the farmer is in problem because of the government which asks the farmer to produce surplus to meet emergency. He tells about holding up of farm income by paying the farmer in kind and indemnifying the farmer.
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