The second Kennedy-Nixon Presidential Debate in Washington DC, United States. Alvin Spivak of United Press International asks Republican candidate U.S. Vice President Richard M. Nixon to comment on his intentions in the field of civil rights. Nixon answers and states that progress is to be made in the field of employment by giving statutory authority to the Committee on Government Contracts. He states that in the field of schools, provisions should be laid whereby the federal government would give assistance to districts who want to integrate their schools. He speaks about presidential leadership. He concludes and says that the civil rights of the Americans should be recognized in order to protect the country from communist rule. Democratic candidate Senator John F Kennedy points that Nixon hasn't discussed what would be his policy on implementing the Supreme Court decision of 1954 and what would he do and what would be his leadership in providing fair employment, housing and education. He concludes by saying that the president must establish a moral leadership. Harold R. Levy of Newsday asks Kennedy to comment on what the President should do in racial discrimination events such as Little Rock Nine or the lunch-counter sit-ins. Kennedy says that he thinks that a president operates in different areas as a legislative leader, an executive leader and a moral leader and his functions differ in each area. He talks about the government contracts. He speaks about the standards set by the Americans which the Communists don't set. He comments on the case of Little Rock and says the U.S. President should go with the Supreme Court's decision. Nixon comments on the matter of the Committee on Government Contracts being mentioned by Kennedy. He talks about the functions of the Democratic Congress. He states that actions are required along with hopes. He concludes and says that in the field of executive leadership, U.S. president must lead and act as he talks.
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