The second Kennedy-Nixon Presidential Debate in Washington DC, United States. Harold R Levy of Newsday asks Republican candidate U.S. Vice President Richard M Nixon to comment on the importance of party labels. Nixon answers and talks about Democratic and Republican Presidents. He says that the party label is not important, it is the belief and the leadership qualities of the presidential candidate that are important. He states that it is the people who determine and elect their presidents. He disagrees with Kennedy's statement that his party has not proposed programs. He mentions the programs proposed by his party in fields like education, housing and defense that would lead to the overall development of the nation. Democratic candidate Senator John F Kennedy presents his views and states that party labels are important as they tell about the programs and the candidate. He says that the Democratic party has stood for progress, people's welfare, strong foreign policy and national defense. He compares the approaches used by Democratic presidents with those used by the Republican presidents. He concludes that in the past years the Republicans have opposed housing, care for old age, federal aid to education and minimum wage. Moderator Frank McGee thanks the candidates and mentions future program details.
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