The third Kennedy-Nixon Presidential Debate in the United States. Frank McGee from NBC News asks Republican candidate U.S. Vice President Richard M Nixon to comment on the need and purpose of new laws to protect the public against labor unions' power. Nixon talks about his speech on this topic. He disagrees with Kennedy's statement favoring compulsory arbitration as a President's weapon to stop national emergency strike. He states that in Steelworkers Union speech Kennedy had indicated government seizure as the best way to stop a strike. Nixon states that he does not believe in either compulsory arbitration nor seizure. He says that the management should be involved in dispute settlement. He concludes and urges the need for the greatest cooperation possible between labor and management. Democratic candidate Senator John F Kennedy states that he has never suggested compulsory arbitration as the solution of national emergency disputes. He talks about seizure. He states about president's course and setting up of a fact-finding committee.
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