The third Kennedy-Nixon Presidential Debate in the United States. Roscoe Drummond of New York Herald Tribune asks Republican candidate U.S. Vice President Richard M Nixon to comment on declining economic growth and what steps he would take to improve it. Nixon answers that he is not satisfied with the economic growth of the U.S. He compares the nation's growth rate during the Truman Administration and the Eisenhower Administration. He urges for the development of private enterprise sector of the economy. He talks about his program of tax reform which would stimulate more investment in U.S. economy. He talks about the upliftment of the distressed areas and full utilization of resources of those areas. He talks about the adequate use of talents of the Americans and their civil rights. He concludes and states that there has been a continuous development of American economy in the past years. Democratic candidate Senator John F Kennedy states that Nixon has pointed a rise in food prices in his proposed agricultural program which is not true. He comments on the statement given by Nixon on aiding distressed areas and education. He says that the bills of these program have been opposed by the administration. He talks about the lowest rate of economic growth during this administration.
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