U.S. Vice President Nixon speaks about U.S. foreign policy towards Latin America prior to the presidential elections in the U.S...
The fourth presidential election debate held between Democratic nominee Senator John F. Kennedy and Republican nominee U.S. Vice President Richard Nixon in New York, United States on 21st October 1960. News correspondent John Edwards asks Senator Kennedy if he can give the names of three or four Americans whom he can appoint as the Secretary of State. Senator Kennedy replies to the question and says that this decision can only be made by the president and not presidential candidates. He says that he has made no judgment about who should be the Secretary of State. News correspondent Quincy Howe asks Richard Nixon to comment. Nixon says that it would be the responsibility of the next president to appoint the Secretary of State. Vice President Nixon speaks about a previous comment made by Senator Kennedy regarding Fidel Castro's regime. He says that President Eisenhower's administration appropriated five times as much for Latin America as was appropriated by the previous administration. He speaks that Democratic Congress has cut eighty million dollars off of the Voice of America appropriations to Latin America.
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