U.S. Army Air Force bomber crew at an airfield in Germany during last days of World War 2, in Europe. Crew of a B-26 Marauder bomber arrives at their aircraft. They pile their gear under nose of aircraft. Crew Chief (Sergeant) and airman light cigarettes. The aircraft commander (Lieutenant) signs release on Form 1, without any preflight or other inspection. He then opens a duffel bag and distributes candy bars and snacks to the crew members. The crew members pet a dog, while smoking and snacking under the nose of the aircraft. The aircraft commander stubs out his cigarette and drops it on the pierced steel matting of the parking place, where it falls into one of the holes. View of hole show cigarette butt surrounded by grass and tinder. (This appears to be an enactment of how an aircrew should NOT behave.) Pilot talks to crew chief through open window of aircraft. Between 50 and 100 bombs are painted on the fuselage, indicating how many missions have been flown in this B-26. Pilot and copilot climbing into cockpit, where a pair of baby shoes hangs in cockpit windshield.
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