Scenes of hurricanes and related damage.
A U.S. fletcher class destroyer and then two U.S. Heavy cruisers making way in very heavy seas. Huge waves blowing over a waterfront. Palm trees blowing and deciduous trees falling to hurricane winds. A man attempting to walk against hurricane force winds and rain. Hurricanes battering an airfield. Wind and water driving against a hotel, and downed wires exploding in rain filled street. A man in waist deep water. Scenes of severe flooding, including a flooded convertible car Aerial views of heavy cumulus clouds. Homes and vehicles completely inundated by flood waters. A derailed railroad train. Men combing through debris in aftermath of a hurricane. Completely destroyed homes.
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HD Master, Broadcast-ready (1920x1080, unmarked) | 1422 MB | $190.00 | $79.00 |
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