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Belle Mina Alabama USA 1977 stock footage and images

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Woman drives to Belle Mina, Alabama market in station wagon and buys food but is then attacked.

Close up red flower zooms to red 1973 Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser Station Wagon parking in front of the Belle Mina market at 6811 Mooresville Rd. in Belle Mina, Alabama Woman enters market leaving car window open and door unlocked. The womantakes tub Parkay Margarine from store refrigerator . Stranger puts arm in the open car window to unlock the door behind the driver’s seat. Store clerk measures a bag of candies and places into clear plastic bag. Would-be rapist hides behind the driver’s seat of car. The woman carrying bag of groceries, opens car door, starts engine, and drives out of parking lot. Red 1973 Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser Station Wagon driving down country road. Close up woman's face chewing candy. Man hiding in rear seat rising up to attack. Woman and rapist seen in rear-view mirror. Pay from unpaved road to red 1973 Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser Station Wagon in brush at side of road. View of spilled candy and grocery items on empty driver's seat.

Date: 1977
Duration: 2 min 46 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675078428
Scenes of college women in 1970s fashions socializing together at Morton Hall in the University of Alabama in Huntsville

1970s college fashions at the University of Alabama. A young woman, holding a colorful umbrella, calls for her friend, saying "hey c'mon Sherry, hurry up!" Sherry catches up with the young woman to go to class together at Morton Hall in the University of Alabama in Huntsville (301 Sparkman Dr NW #116A, Huntsville, AL 35899). The women are wearing 1970s bell bottom jeans. Women read books together on Morton Hall entrance, one of them holding a macrame handbag and the other wearing white painters overalls. Two women, one wearing a backless dress, sit on stairway and talk together inside Morton Hall.

Date: 1977
Duration: 29 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675078433
Police arrest off-duty African American police officer Donald Pinkney during protest against Ku Klux Klan rally in Mobile, Alabama.

Scene in Mobile Alabama during confrontation between African American citizens and members of the KKK, or Ku Klux Klan, not wearing hoods, who were marching in the town of Mobile, Alabama to protest state prison work release programs. Police officers are seen at a street curb in discussion with a group of African American citizen protestors. One African American protestor, off-duty police officer Donald Pinkney, is seen talking to police. Camera turns away from the scene and then swings back apparently capturing the end of an altercation between Pinkney and uniformed police. (Montgomery Advertiser newspaper of 27 September, 1977 reported that the arresting police officers said Pinkney had grabbed a police officer's baton. The newspaper also reported that Pinkney had been struck by a police baton, receiving a three inch head wound that required 12 stitches.) Pinkney is seen being led away from the scene by two uniformed police officers.

Date: 1977, September 24
Duration: 3 min 58 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675075443
Forks of Cypress plantation home and other sites, likely in Alabama, circa 1939; African American man tending a large bell.

From the U.S. Department of Agriculture documentary "The Land." A seemingly abandoned, dilapidated house at an unidentified farm or former plantation location, possibly in Alabama, during the Great Depression. Spanish moss hanging from nearby trees. Views of a different, wooden, rundown house with a front porch, possibly at a different location. Scene changes again to a third different house, this one made of brick. A lone African American man emerges from double doors of the house. He walks up to a bell, cleans it, and rings it. Distant open view in front of the bell includes a valley and river (possibly the Tennessee River in western Lauderdale County, but not confirmed.) Scene changes again to show the first house and the trees with Spanish Moss. View returns to the location with the man tending the bell. Next scene shows the Forks of Cypress plantation house in Florence Alabama, (Lauderdale County). View of the old main Greek Revival Forks of Cypress house built in 1830 for James Jackson. View of the west elevation of the house. The smokehouse is seen behind and to the side of the main house. A clothes line with clothes on it is beside the smokehouse. Chickens walk on the porch of the house, past its tall colonnade of 24 ionic columns. (Note: The house burned completely in a 1966 fire). Next scene is again the elderly African American man at the brick house location. He looks around, mumbling to himself, walks back towards the house, and pauses on the front steps. The first wooden house with Spanish moss in nearby trees is shown again. Scene returns to the elderly African American man who enters the brick house and closes the doors behind him. Film directed and narrated by Robert Flaherty.

Date: 1939
Duration: 2 min 0 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675021571
Policemen arrive to stop a clash between KKK members and a group of African Americans during demonstrations in Mobile, Alabama.

Members of the KKK (Ku Klux Klan) march in the town of Mobile, Alabama. KKK marchers (not wearing robes) assemble holding numerous signs and posters. They march protesting Alabama state prison work release programs. The marchers are met by a group of African American protesters clapping and singing. The African American protesters attempt to disrupt or block the marchers. Fights between the African American protesters and the marching white KKK members break out. Additional police officers arrive to separate the two groups and restore order.

Date: 1977, September 24
Duration: 6 min 4 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675075441
Confrontation and racial violence between KKK (Ku Klux Klan) members and the African Americans in Mobile, Alabama.

Members of the KKK (Ku Klux Klan) march in the town of Mobile, Alabama, protesting prison work release programs in the state of Alabama. The KKK members are not wearing robes or hoods. Fights between African American protesters and the marching white KKK members during the demonstrations by KKK members. Police officers try to restore order and stop the two groups from fighting.

Date: 1977, September 24
Duration: 5 min 38 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675075442
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