From the U.S. Department of Agriculture documentary "The Land." A seemingly abandoned, dilapidated house at an unidentified farm or former plantation location, possibly in Alabama, during the Great Depression. Spanish moss hanging from nearby trees. Views of a different, wooden, rundown house with a front porch, possibly at a different location. Scene changes again to a third different house, this one made of brick. A lone African American man emerges from double doors of the house. He walks up to a bell, cleans it, and rings it. Distant open view in front of the bell includes a valley and river (possibly the Tennessee River in western Lauderdale County, but not confirmed.) Scene changes again to show the first house and the trees with Spanish Moss. View returns to the location with the man tending the bell. Next scene shows the Forks of Cypress plantation house in Florence Alabama, (Lauderdale County). View of the old main Greek Revival Forks of Cypress house built in 1830 for James Jackson. View of the west elevation of the house. The smokehouse is seen behind and to the side of the main house. A clothes line with clothes on it is beside the smokehouse. Chickens walk on the porch of the house, past its tall colonnade of 24 ionic columns. (Note: The house burned completely in a 1966 fire). Next scene is again the elderly African American man at the brick house location. He looks around, mumbling to himself, walks back towards the house, and pauses on the front steps. The first wooden house with Spanish moss in nearby trees is shown again. Scene returns to the elderly African American man who enters the brick house and closes the doors behind him. Film directed and narrated by Robert Flaherty.
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