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Charenton France 1930 stock footage and images

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Woman aviator, Nancy Hopkins, arrives at the Ford Airport in Dearborn, Michigan, to participate in the 1930 Ford Airplane Reliability Tour.

1930 Ford Commercial Airplane Reliability Tour at the Ford Airport in Dearborn, Michigan. A Ford Trimotor aircraft in flight approaching the Ford Airport. Two men on the airfield. The Ford Trimotor taxiing on the airfield. A man on the airfield watching the trimotor. 'Ford' written on the side of the aircraft and number '5' written on the tail. Men getting out of the airplane and a few men standing at its door. Two women and two men pose and three men talk beside the trimotor. Woman aviator, Nancy Hopkins, steps from the cockpit of her Viking Kitty Hawk B4 biplane (NC30V), and poses beside it. (The number "22" is written on the aircraft fuselage and "Kitty Hawk" on the tail.) .Men and women behind the aircraft. Another aircraft in the background.

Date: 1930
Duration: 1 min 13 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675066186
Scenes of Franklin D. and Eleanor Roosevelt in 1920s and 1930s.

New York Governor, Al Smith, candidate for President, seen with Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR), encouraging him to run for Governor. FDR and Eleanor Roosevelt in an open car following his successful election as Governor. On July 14, 1933, now President Roosevelt, is seen in an open car, with Eleanor, on the grounds of the Catholic University of America. He is dressed in top hat, and Eleanor holds large bouquet of flowers. FDR is later seen,wearing mortar board and gown, as he and Eleanor converse with University Rector James H. Ryan, after receiving an honorary degree as part of the day’s commencement exercises. Montage of scenes showing Eleanor Roosevelt in various political and charitable activities during the 1920s and 1930s.

Date: 1930
Duration: 53 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675069294
A Zeitgeist film about life of 1930s German people shows people working and relaxing, contrasted with rising Nazi movement

Film which contrasts typical German lifestyle in Germany in 1930s, with rise of NSDAP or Nazi movement, pre World War 2. German Civilians on an escalator. 1930's German Police officer lead kids across city streets. Traffic in a German city. A workman on a barge and gets off the barge in Hamburg. Laborers unload sacks of flour. Lumbermen at work on trees and men working in a steel mill. Workers blowing glass to make glass itmes. Workers paint theatrical masks. People in an outdoor café or restaurant. A couple dances. People move on a snow covered ground. A man takes snapshot of a German family. An old man wearing a striped bathing suit walks out of water. Burgomeisters or (burgermeisters) in a town ceremony. German Army soldiers or Freikorps (before third reich) marching in a parade on city streets. People get off a suburban train at a railroad station. A puddler works in the steel mill. A girl and a boy on bicycles riding close together as the boy has his arm around the girl. A carnival ride called "Ausgang". A merry-go-round at a carnival or fair, and people playing games at a carnival. Children crowd around a clown wearing a high hat. Middle aged men play cards. Middle aged couples at an outdoor cafe. Sudden contrast to Nazi SA or Sturmabteilung stormtroopers in training. Paramilitary training of brownshirts and of boys in a group (future Hitler youth). German citizens at a Nazi rally giving a Nazi salute in unison. A view of vineyards. A Nazi officer gives a speech. German Sturmabteilung marching in a parade with Nazi salutes. Children playing in a game where they roll a large ball using only their heads while hopping along. A woman swimmer enters water at a beach. Several Sturmabteilung in a training drill in water.

Date: 1932
Duration: 5 min 0 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675031658
Views of Jerusalem and surroundings with both Jewish and Arab residents in the late 1930s and early 1940s.

Late 1930s and early 1940s life in Jerusalem, Palestine. Views from 1917 era as British military patrol under British Army General Edmund Allenby advances in military trucks up the plains from Gaza. Arab forces riding on camels. The Arabs move in support. Jerusalem is captured by the British in 1917. British men in the city. Jerusalem aerial view of late 1930s and approximately 1940 "new" Jerusalem contrasting the ancient and old parts of the city and new buildings. Narrator descriptions and visual portrayals of nationalism among Jewish and Arab residents in Jerusalem. Jewish men construct what the narrator terms as "a typical Zionist house just going up" Jewish civilians walking on the streets including one woman pushing a baby carriage. Cars move on a street and a view of a bus moving up Queen Mary Avenue. Jewish residents at a beach of Tel Aviv. They enjoy the water and dance the hora at the water's edge. A British man teaches an Arabic farmer the modern methods of agriculture. Men harvest food grains with a harvester. Arab boys in a class get a proper education "as in Europe." Palestinian girls in dresses play a game of basketball. The ex mayor of Jerusalem Hussein al-Khalidi in the center and other people around him.

Date: 1941
Duration: 2 min 20 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675047423
From the Pre-war RAF (1930s) to the new British RAF aircraft of the beginning of World War 2.

From the Pre-war RAF to the RAF in World War II. Pre-War (1930's) British pilots and aircraft. A line of parked Hawker bi-planes (1930's). Formation display at pre-war Hendon Air Pageant. The Schneider Trophy won by Supermarine. This racing plane design helped Mitchell design the Supermarine Spitfire. A Supermarine S-2B sea plane takes off and seen in flight. Workers work for the production of aircraft. An assembly line of aircraft. Men work on the bodies of aircraft. A Royal Air Force Vickers Wellington medium bomber taxis and takes off. Lines of parked AW Whitleys. A front line medium bomber. A Bristol Blenheim light bomber aircraft takes off. A Beaufighter night-fighter in flight. Short Stirling aircraft stationed. A Halifax heavy bomber takes off and in flight.

Date: 1940
Duration: 2 min 18 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675067440
U.S. Capitol Building, the Washington Monument, many landmarks and activities of people in Washington DC in the 1930s.

A film titled 'Dawn Strikes the Capitol Dome' depicts an impressionistic study of Washington DC on a typical day during the Great Depression in the mid 1930s. The U.S. Capitol Building. The Washington Monument. Vehicles driven on a street. A man crossing a wide street of Washington DC. Policemen control the traffic. A woman runs on a street. A horse drawn carriage on the street and a sign reads 'Thompson Dairy'. A man gets down from the dairy carriage to deliver milk bottles. Traffic on the streets. African American woman sweeps in front of a house. African American icen vendor is seen at work. The man breaks apart a large ice block into smaller chunks. African American man waters a garden. A train arrives at Union Station, with closeup view from tracks as locomotive comes to a halt just in front of the camera position. A Pullman car porter places a Pullman step stool on the ground and passengers exit the train. People board a street car or trolley car with sign indicating it is bound for Chevy Chase Maryland. A man in shabby clothing, possibly unemployed jobless seated on a pathway; he stands and walks off. People exit a city bus when it comes to a stop. Construction of a wide sidewalk and men at work building the sidewalk path. Equestrian statue of Ulysses Grant riding Cincinnati on Capitol Hill. A saddle goods and leather shop with a statue of a horse in front of the store. Construction of a building underway, and a steam shovel at work excavating. A Washington street and buildings on either side of the street. A sign reads 'Right Turn Now'. A policeman directs traffic. Elevated views of car and streetcar or trolley traffic on the streets of Washington DC. Another policeman controls the traffic. Many 1930s era automobiles are seen. Point of view shot from inside a moving streetcar or trolley on roads of Washington DC; view of street car driver and passengers riding in the street car. Civilians ride bicycles. A large wheel velocipede bike leans against a tree in the background. Men attached to ropes work trimming tops of a tree. Sport equestrian riders ride horses on a large green area with the Lincoln Memorial in the background. A person tees off a golf ball on the National Mall. A sign reads 'Do Not Talk to Guard'. Men dive off diving boards in a swimming pool. Children play and splash in the waters of the Columbus Fountain sculpture at Union Station. A sail boat underway on the Potomac River. A woman holds a pet parrot bird on her finger and talks to it. A sign reds 'Please Give The Garden A Chance' as a man walks right beside it. A man lying on grass beside the Potomac River. Brief view of the Lieutenant General George Washington equestrian statue at Washington Circle.

Date: 1936
Duration: 4 min 1 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675069103