Film which contrasts typical German lifestyle in Germany in 1930s, with rise of NSDAP or Nazi movement, pre World War 2. German Civilians on an escalator. 1930's German Police officer lead kids across city streets. Traffic in a German city. A workman on a barge and gets off the barge in Hamburg. Laborers unload sacks of flour. Lumbermen at work on trees and men working in a steel mill. Workers blowing glass to make glass itmes. Workers paint theatrical masks. People in an outdoor café or restaurant. A couple dances. People move on a snow covered ground. A man takes snapshot of a German family. An old man wearing a striped bathing suit walks out of water. Burgomeisters or (burgermeisters) in a town ceremony. German Army soldiers or Freikorps (before third reich) marching in a parade on city streets. People get off a suburban train at a railroad station. A puddler works in the steel mill. A girl and a boy on bicycles riding close together as the boy has his arm around the girl. A carnival ride called "Ausgang". A merry-go-round at a carnival or fair, and people playing games at a carnival. Children crowd around a clown wearing a high hat. Middle aged men play cards. Middle aged couples at an outdoor cafe. Sudden contrast to Nazi SA or Sturmabteilung stormtroopers in training. Paramilitary training of brownshirts and of boys in a group (future Hitler youth). German citizens at a Nazi rally giving a Nazi salute in unison. A view of vineyards. A Nazi officer gives a speech. German Sturmabteilung marching in a parade with Nazi salutes. Children playing in a game where they roll a large ball using only their heads while hopping along. A woman swimmer enters water at a beach. Several Sturmabteilung in a training drill in water.
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