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Women in the Coast Guard (SPARS) take swimming lessons from an instructor during World War II

SPARS (United States Coast Guard Women's Reserve ) learn swimming in the United States, as part of their training during World War 2. The women in swim suits seated on a bench talking. They learn swimming. An instructor instructs them in the foreground. The women practicing. One of them swims in the pool. They come out of the pool.

Date: 1943
Duration: 33 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675069906
Women in the U.S. Coast Guard Women's Reserve (SPARS) during World War II

SPARS (United States Coast Guard Women's Reserve) in the United States, during World War 2. Uniformed women in the U.S.Coast Guard Women's Reserve (SPARS) step from a bus in a major city with skyscrapers. Two of them are seen standing next to a Coast Guard officer, who appears to write them local passes. Two SPARS women operate telephone switchboards.SPARS

Date: 1943
Duration: 1 min 1 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675069907
Mobilization and Review of U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Division Two in Seattle Washington during World War II

The second annual mobilization and review of U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Division Two, in the 13th Naval District, during World War 2. The first thing seen is a portion of a letter from a Coast Guard SPARS woman to someone at home. She mentions having spoken to Mrs. F.D.R. Scene shifts to The mobilization and review event on Lake Washington, in Seattle, Washington which involves some 300 boats belonging to members of the Coast Guard Auxiliary, that parade in review. Secretary of the Navy, Frank Knox (not seen) along with high ranking naval officers, and the First Lady, Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, are part of the reviewing party, as guests of Mr. O.D. Fisher, aboard his yacht. (The Coast Guard Auxiliary identification, CGA 2444, is seen clearly painted on its bow.) It is anchored off the north shore of Madronna Park Beach in Lake Washington. Views of the yacht with Mrs. Roosevelt and several admirals aboard. A woman officer, in the Coast Guard SPARS, is invited to chat with Mrs. Roosevelt. She sits down next to her. At one point, they both wave toward the camera. Later, two women SPARS stand on shore and converse with Mrs. Roosevelt, as she stands aboard the yacht.

Date: 1943, July 19
Duration: 1 min 12 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675069908
Women in the U.S. Coast Guard Women's Reserve (SPARS) training during World War II

Three Uniformed women in the U.S.Coast Guard Women's Reserve (SPARS) arrive at the entrance of a Coast Guard Station, during World War 2. The station includes a light house. Next, a Coast Guardsman explains the light to them as they stand on a platform at its top. Scene shifts to about a dozen SPARS women boarding a Coast Guard training ship. Some of them ascend rope ladders in the ship's rigging. Three of them drive away in a blue Coast Guard jeep, up a dirt road to a waterfront. There, while standing in a boat (unseen but moving up and down) a Coast officer converses with one of them while referring to a chart. The next scene shows the three women on top deck of a Coast Guard Fireboat, where a Coast Guardsman demonstrates one of their firefighting water guns. The water pressure is increased, creating a powerful stream of water. Scene shifts to about 25 SPARS women assembled on a lawn in front of a frame building. A woman officer motions them into formation and reads orders. Next, from viewpoint, above, the formation of SPARS women is seen marching along with Coast Guardsmen in a parade.

Date: 1943
Duration: 2 min 15 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675069909
USAAF aircraft bomb a naval base and other target areas in northwest Germany during World War II.

Allied bombing in northwest Germany during World War II. Several U.S. aircraft on an airfield in Britain. A United States Army Air Force heavy bomber B-17 Flying Fortress taxis and takes off from a runway. Several bomber aircraft in flight. USAAF fighter aircraft P-38 Lightnings taking off from the airfield. Allied soldiers looking at the aircraft. The P-38s in flight. A USAAF fighter aircraft P-47 Thunderbolt takes off from the runway. Four P-47s in a formation flight. View of the P-38s and the B-17s in flight over target areas in northwest Germany. British bomber aircraft in flight. A pilot in a cockpit. View of the naval base which is a major target area. A large explosion on the ship building center at the naval base. Thick smoke rises from the explosions. Several aircraft in flight. B-17s in flight. Officers standing at the railing of a ship. A pilot getting out of a damaged U.S. aircraft which managed to land on an airfield. Soldiers standing beside the aircraft.

Date: 1943
Duration: 2 min 21 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675069937
German troops fire and advance on a snow covered ground during a winter warfare training in Germany during World War II.

A winter warfare training in Germany during World War II. A few men on a snow covered area. A German General and a few officers standing in front of a building. German troops moving in columns on the snow covered ground. The General and military personnel walking on the snow. The troops fire and advance on the snow covered ground during a winter warfare training session. The General shakes hands with the officers.

Date: 1943
Duration: 39 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: German
Clip: 65675069941