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Newfoundland 1942 stock footage and images

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Franklin Delano Roosevelt with Winston Churchill,Chiang Kai-shek and Joseph Stalin at different events in different continents.

Life of the President of the United States Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the United States. U.S. President Franklin D Roosevelt is greeted by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill aboard HMS Prince of Wales during the Atlantic Conference for signing of the Atlantic Charter off Newfoundland in 1941. The ship approaches the harbor. Soldiers present arms aboard a ship. Prime Minister Churchill and President Franklin D Roosevelt talk. President Franklin Roosevelt addresses congress members after the Pearl Harbor attack. The President signs a document. President Roosevelt reviews troops in Casablanca. The troops march. Franklin Roosevelt salutes troops. Vehicles driven in the foreground. Cairo: Franklin D Roosevelt and Winston Churchill with the Chairman of the Nationalist Government of China Chiang Kai-shek. Tehran : Franklin D Roosevelt,Winston Churchill and General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Joseph Stalin pose. United States : The exteriors of the White House. People enter White House. President Franklin Roosevelt with Vice President Harry S. Truman at the 1945 inaugural ceremony. Yalta : President Franklin D Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin pose. Franklin D Roosevelt addresses a conference. (World War II period).

Date: 1945
Duration: 4 min 13 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675068118
Montage of World War II scenes, encompassing the allied Pacific campaigns and Big Three wartime meetings.

Allied campaigns against Japan during World War II. Animated map depicts battles for various islands in the Pacific like Guadalcanal, Palau, Mariana Islands. A map of the Philippines. United States troops invade the Philippines. Naval guns fire at a shore and flak bursts are seen. Dramatic shot of a Japanese Zero aircraft approaching U.S. Navy ships that are firing guns. The Japanese aircraft is hit at close range to the ship, a wing ruptures, it is consumed in fire and crashes with explosion in the sea beside the ship. Many landing craft with U.S. Army forces landing at beach on Leyte. Soldiers land and advance inland. United States Army General Douglas MacArthur and President Sergio Osmena of the Philippines wade ashore. Native women and children on the island are assisted by U.S. forces and provided with food and protection. Following are meetings of wartime Allied leaders, shown briefly in the ending of the film: TC: 01: 39, Prime Minister Winston Churchill meeting President Franklin D. Roosevelt on the battleship, USS Augusta, at Newfoundland, during the Atlantic Conference, 1941. Roosevelt stands at the railing, assisted by his son, Army Captain Elliot Roosevelt. TC: 01:41. Roosevelt and Churchill meeting with Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek, at the Cairo conference, in 1943. TC: 01:44. Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill pose outside the Livadia Palace during the Yalta conference, 1945. Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov, American Ambassador Harriman, British Foreign Minister, Anthony Eden, and Churchill's daughter, Sarah, in uniform, are among those standing behind the seated Big Three. TC: 01:46, Delegates from 51 Nations gathered for the first meeting of the UN General Assembly,in Westminster Central Hall,London, England, in 1946.

Date: 1945
Duration: 2 min 6 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675065887
Kuwait Harbor on Persian Gulf, in 1942

Peaceful scene of harbor at Kuwait on Persian Gulf, under British administration, in 1942. Several small sailboats are in the water near a wharf. The sun is shining and weather is apparently pleasant, judging by the way people are dressed (all in western garb). A cabin cruiser is docked and several men stand near it conversing. A man, woman, and child stroll along the wharf. Scene shifts to the Brazilian Freighter, SS Ozorio (aka OSORIO) entering the harbor. Camera focuses on the Ozorio, underway. (Note: On June 8, 1941, The SS Ozorio, picked up survivors from the Robin Moor, first U.S. ship to go down in World War II. Later, the Ozorio, herself, was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine, on September 27, 1942.)

Date: 1942
Duration: 55 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675022191
Allied soldiers in North Africa celebrate Christmas in 1942, during World War II.

Allied Forces in North Africa during Christmas, 1942, in World War 2. Map of Tunisia. Ancient Roman ruins,including the Amphitheater of El Jem. A native plows a field. Children ride mules. Christian Cathedrals in various places. Interiors of a cathedral. At various places Allied soldiers hold Christmas Services outdoors. Camel Corps troops astride their camels. A Christmas service in front of a Curtiss P-40 aircraft displaying an American flag on its right wing and a Christian flag on its left. Scenes of children celebrating Christmas in different parts of the world, including boys throwing snowballs at each other outside a school building in the United States (Lettering above doorway of school reads "Durham Public School", possibly in Durham, NC. Graves of dead soldiers. Religious services held for the allied soldiers. British General Montgomery attends a religious service. Bells ring in churches across the world Sign reads 'A Happy Christmas'. Soldiers carry sacks. Letters brought for soldiers on a jeep. Soldiers run to get their letters. A soldier reads his letter. A soldier wakes up to find a filled stocking hung on his tent. Another soldier opens a parcel. 'Pine Grove USA' and 'Birney Cave Mincoka' written on two signs. Soldiers open parcels. Empty boxes, cups and bottles on a table. Preparation for the Christmas feast. Feathers are plucked from a turkey. Many bottles of rum in a row. Chickens are removed from an airplane. Soldiers in a chow line. A pudding on a plate is put on the table. A bowl of oranges on a table with some WAC service members. A sign in the background reads 'A Merry Xmas' Soldiers feed their pets. A puppy is fed. A donkey and a pig are fed. A pet monkey grooms a soldier's head. Candy is thrown to the native children. The Red Cross dispenses milk given by soldiers to native children. Soldiers go sightseeing in Egypt and observe an Egyptian magician. The Great Sphinx of Giza with the Pyramid of Khafre in the background as Allied soldiers fall off a camel they are trying to ride. Egyptian women pass in veils. British Soldiers play Cricket. American soldiers play baseball. Soldiers polish uniform brass and shine shoes to prepare for assembly. Others take baths in tubs outdoors. With all troops assembled, President Roosevelt visits riding in a jeep. He is accompanied by Lieutenant General Mark Clark and Major General Lloyd Fredendall, riding in the back of the jeep. Later the President is seen sitting sideways in the jeep, holding his hat over his heart as he passes troops lined along the roadside. Secret Service agents ride behind carrying machine guns. The generals in his jeep salute as they pass the colors. Next, British Prime Minister Churchill is seen greeted by an honor guard of four British soldiers as he arrives in Tunis in August, 1942 to visit British troops, en route to Moscow for his first meeting with Stalin.

Date: 1942, December 25
Duration: 7 min 15 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675033510
Test flights of German missile A-4 V2 rocket in Peenemunde. First fully successful flight on Oct. 3, 1942.

Opening slate mentions speed and pressures generated in the test launch of A4 V2 rocket. The rocket launches and appears to be successful, moving up and out of sight. However, some white smoke descends and lingers in the atmosphere afterwards. The next slate states that the causes of the malfunctions have been identified and corrected. It is followed by a slate showing date of 3 October, 1942, and another about last instructions before the 3rd launch. German rocket scientist, Konrad Dannenberg, is seen discussing matters with several German officers at the test site. (Dannenberg is in the center of the group. Second from left is possibly Wernher von Braun. Second from right is possibly General Walter Dornberger.) The next slate reads: 1558 hours (3:58 PM) followed by one reading: Fire free. A German officer is seen speaking those words into a microphone. Camera shows a technicians hand as he sets firing switches on a control panel. ;Closeup of V2 rocket engine firing up. The rocket ascends successfully and disappears from sight. (Note: The footage at the end of clip showing the successful Oct 3 flight of A-4 V2 rocket was reportedly part of a film shown to Hitler at his Wolfe's Lair in 1943.) (World War II period).

Date: 1942, October 3
Duration: 1 min 58 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: German
Clip: 65675037449
Various scenes of Japanese military activity in China, circa 1938 through 1942

Scenes of Japanese military activities in China, circa 1938 through 1942. Animated map shows thrusts of Japanese military forces at Guangzhou (Canton); Changsha to the North and points West circa 1938. A captured airfield with destroyed and damaged aircraft. A destroyed P-40 with Thunderbird image on its wing. A damaged P-40 parked in the grass displaying painted teeth motif of the Flying Tigers (American Volunteer Group of the Chinese Air Force). A scrap heap of airplane parts, at least one displaying the American star in circle insignia. A tattered map on Bulletin Board showing a logo on part of China. A village near the airfield. Japanese troops board a camouflaged barge to cross a river. A Japanese Ki-27 (Nate) airplane in flight overhead. Column of Japanese troops wending their way along a hillside. Smoke rising from explosions in a port town, with water and hill in background. Bombed out buildings in a town. Japanese infantry and an officer on horseback enter virtually deserted Chinese town. Camouflaged Japanese army vehicles and artillery travel on dusty road. A Ki-27 airplane flies low overhead. Japanese artillerymen set up 120mm gun and rangefinder. Battery of Japanese 120mm guns firing. Wreckage of an American B-25 aircraft. Wreckage of more Allied warplanes. Map showing Formosa; Wenzhou, opposite, on Chinese mainland; and Philippine Islands. Arrows depict Japanese military movements from the Ryukyu Islands. (World War II period).

Date: 1942
Duration: 2 min 50 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Japanese
Clip: 65675037850