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Oklahoma United States USA 1955 stock footage and images

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A group of women enjoy the sport of glissading at Mount Rainier National Park in Washington.

Women enjoy the sport of glissading in Mount Rainier National Park in Washington. A group of girls climbs cliffs. Snow capped mountains in the background. Women enjoy the sport of glissading in which they slide down steep slopes of snow.

Date: 1938, July 11
Duration: 48 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675047826
President, Mrs Harding and Secretary of War, Weeks attend the unveiling of a statue of Jeanne d'Arc at Meridian Hill Park.

Ceremony of unveiling an equestrian statue of Joan of Arc in Meridian Hill Park in Washington DC. Crowd assembled for the ceremony. President Warren G. Harding and his wife, Florence Harding, arrive at the ceremony. Officials speak at stand. Unveiling of the bronze Joan of Arc equestrian statue by Paul Dubois. Flags on poles. A man places bouquet and flowers in front of the statue. Secretary of War John W. Weeks speaks. Side view of statue. Various officials speak at the ceremony.

Date: 1922, January 6
Duration: 4 min 20 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675053057
LGM-30 Minuteman missile tests at Vandenberg Air Force Base,California. MIRV (multiple independently targeted reentry vehicles)

'Countdown for Deterrence' outlines the activities involved in a LGM-30 Minuteman missile operational test launches. View of several Mark 12 Reentry vehicles glowing as they enter the atmosphere at the Western Test Range in the Pacific Ocean. The Minuteman III missiles carrying them are seen being launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in Lompoc, California. Launch crews at controls. Intercontinental Ballistic Missile test launch operations begins at Vandenberg AFB. Exterior of building. Data analysis by officers. Scheduling officers at work. Launch tube of missile. Shows various officers responsible for launching of missile. Launch director in conference with ICBM test maintenance personnel. Maintenance of launch tube by the maintenance crew. The missile components arrive in Vandenberg AFB. Crew in underground silo work. Tape deck which records messages from SAC HQ. A Red box which contains secret codes for the launch of the missiles is double padlocked. Pre-recorded voice reports on the current status of the missile. An officer instructs Task Force personnel in Vandenberg AFB. Task Force commander confers with two officers.

Date: 1979, July 10
Duration: 7 min 35 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675053256
Minuteman III missile prepared and sent to Vandenberg AFB,California. for operational testing.

Activities involved in a LGM-30 Minuteman missile operational test launch at Vandenberg AFB, Lompoc. A crew of two men comes out of a silo. Task Force Munitions team at work on the missile components in an underground silo. View of the MIRV, Multiple (three) independently targeted reentry vehicles (warheads). The missile booster is removed, loaded on a transporter, transferred to the missile complex ,and loaded in the launch facility. Reentry system is added to the missile and start up is accomplished. Various officers of Task Force at controls. Data analysis by officers which involves flight data recording. Training of the countdown team. Final enabling of launch facility by crews prior to launch. A radar outside a facility. A Task Force commander in conference with his team.

Date: 1979, July 10
Duration: 3 min 38 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675053257
Space and Missile Test Center and Range Operations Control Center involved in a missile test launch operation in Lompoc.

The activities involved in a LGM-30 Minuteman Intercontinental Ballistic Missile operational test launch at Vandenberg AFB, Lompoc. Countdown crews at controls in launch center located in launch facility. Shows control officer, countdown director, and countdown crews working prior to launch. A monitor operator at controls. Space and Missile Test Center building. Interiors of the building shows members of technical staff and Launch Squad Commander. Supervisor and other officers at work in Range Operations Control Center. View of radars and radomes. Radomes on a ship underway at sea. Task force crews in Launch Control Center. A man sets up road barricades. Final communication checks are completed beginning the final countdown. Countdown control officer takes down messages in launch center located in launch facility.

Date: 1979, July 10
Duration: 4 min 15 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675053258
Test launch of LGM-30 Minuteman Intercontinental Ballistic Missile at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Lompoc, California.

A LGM-30 Minuteman Intercontinental Ballistic Missile operational test launch at Vandenberg AFB, Lompoc. Countdown crew at controls in launch center located in launch facility. Shows control officer, countdown director, and countdown crew working prior to launch. A message received on a radio gives details about a boat in danger area around the launcher. View of shoreline. Issuing launch command by phone. Last minute checks are accomplished. Count is continued. Men work at consoles. An operator in the control room handles launch switch. Two LGM-30 Minuteman missiles are launched and their multiple reentry vehicles can be seen glowing as they enter the atmosphere, descending toward the test target area at Kwajalein Atoll in the Pacific. Views of crew working with Mark 12 MIRV (multiple independently targeted reentry vehicles) in underground silo. Maintenance crews coming up a launch tube. Airmen at consoles and data analysis prior to launch.

Date: 1979, July 10
Duration: 5 min 39 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675053259