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Zanesville Ohio USA 1937 stock footage and images

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An Ohio farmer's wife milks her cow during a visit of the Ohio Society to New York City, USA.

A visit of the Ohio Society to New York City. An Ohio farmer's wife milks a cow in a small median strip park, between busy street traffic lanes, amid the city of New York. Two man stand beside the cow. Tall New York City buildings and skyscrapers in the background. Farmer walking with the cow. in the small green area with traffic on either side.

Date: 1929, October 16
Duration: 26 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675050358
Implementation of the Mao Zedong led economic and social plan titled the 'Great Leap Forward' in Red China.

Postwar living conditions in the People’s Republic of China under the Communist regime of Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-Tung) photographed by Indians visiting the country. The film highlights China's problems of industry, agriculture, and excess population. Advertisements and posters for the Mao Zedong led economic and social plan titled the 'Great Leap Forward' in 1958. Objectives of the plan. Agriculture, industry, and education in China, including brief shot of men, women, and children in classroom, possibly for re-education. Men and women work in factories and plants. A Russian sign reads 'Made in the Soviet Union'. Workers inside a huge automatic automotive plant set up and supplies by the Soviet Union (SU). A steel and iron company rebuilt and enlarged with the aid of Soviet Union. A seamless steel tube mill supplied and erected by the SU. A plant designed, equipped, and built by SU technicians. A bridge over a river. Women work in a high voltage testing laboratory equipped by the East German government. A fully automatic petroleum refinery built by the Japanese. A heavy gilding machine plant started by the Japanese in 1937. Various factories, plants, and industries in China. Rural farmland and irrigation. People work in backyard furnaces, factories, presses, rolling mills and automotive factories. Deserted city streets with few cars. Workers inside an automotive plant. Communist Party of China Chairman Mao Zedong signs a pact with the Premier of the Soviet Union Nikita Khrushchev. Newspaper headlines regarding the disagreements leading to rifts in the China-Soviet relations in 1960. The Soviet Union withdraws technicians and support from China resulting in closure of industries. Statistics highlight China's dropping industrial production in steel, coal, electricity, and petroleum compared to that of USA, Soviet Union, and United Kingdom.

Date: 1961
Duration: 6 min 21 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675021675
Dayton, Ohio plans to increase the number of persons employed in its war plants (WW2)

Film opens showing large factory building with all its lights on at night. Smoke stacks at industrial plant emitting white smoke against dark sky. Sparks flying outdoors from a steel plant at night. Workers inside a fabricating plant drawing a ribbon of hot steel from a roller and dragging a newly made sheet of metal across the floor. Two men with shovels stoking a furnace. Men shaping parts on forging machines. A group of men using sledge hammers to drive down pipe supports under a large piece of sheet metal. Employees at work in a crowded machine shop. A sign reading: "500 workers needed NOW Training on the job." A display of job recruitment announcements in newspapers. A room full of idle manufacturing machinery (ostensibly due to labor shortages). Sign on iron fence outside a building, reads: "Essential WAR WORK Day or Night Men and Women." Some more similar signs.Animated chart of Labor Needs with Labor supply lagging behind, superimposed on a drawing of a defense plant. Map of the USA highlighting areas of industrial might where labor shortages exist. Camera zooms in on Dayton, Ohio on the map. Aerial views all over the city of Dayton, Ohio. View from a tall building overlooking a major Dayton commercial street. The Gem City Savings building, with clock tower on top, at the corner of Third and Main streets. On April 7, 1943, two hundred leading citizens of Dayton are seen attending a meeting at which Stanley C. Allyn, President of the National Cash Register Company, is speaking. He speaks about the danger of Dayton falling behind its war production goals because of manpower difficulties. View of the audience, which includes several military officers in uniform. Allyn speaks of the potential for war work being moved elsewhere because of this, and challenges Dayton's leaders to solve the problem without requiring action from Washington. Next, an emergency committee of community leaders is seen around a table. Camera pans over attendees, including labor leaders from AF of L and CIO; Government officials present, including Area Director and Deputy Regional Director of the War Manpower Commission, and Chief of Program Requirements for the Region; leading industrialists and retailers are shown. Local officials seen include the Mayor of Dayton and Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce as well as the Commanding Army Air Forces Generals of Wright Field and Patterson field. In final scene, Stanley Allyn is seen at the head of the table, speaking to the group. He outlines three ways to obtain more war workers from the Dayton population during World War II.

Date: 1943
Duration: 6 min 8 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675029529
A flood kills five in Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Ohio and Scotia rivers with water flooding the streets, railway tracks across Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Cars submerged in water move through the streets. Floods partly submerge houses and buildings. Two boys sail on makeshift raft. Men carry their children as they cross flooded street. Pedestrians walk on elevated planks during the flood. People sail by boats to cross the city. Sign showing the directions to Columbus, Gallipolis, Marietta, and Ravenswood. The worst flood in many years claims five lives and renders many homeless.

Date: 1933, March 20
Duration: 2 min 32 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675037674
Farming, marketing and recreation activities of citizens in the town of Madison, Indiana, alongside the Ohio River in the U.S.

Life in the town of Madison, Indiana, on the banks of the Ohio River. Scenes in and around the town: View of the Milton-Madison bridge across the Ohio River (US-421, Milton, KY 40045, United States) ; the town of Madison on hillside across the river; Church steeples protruding above tree tops in view from above; tree lined and shaded sidewalk; a tower with ramparts; Italian Campanille- style tower; gothic doorway on a church; slate rooftops with chimneys protruding and towers and cupola building top visible; Greek-inspired column; a renaissance-style fountain with statuary. A fraternal building with ramparts; the Madison Fair Play Fire Company fire department building with Italian-style tower (403-405 E. Main St. Madison, IN 47250, USA); Roman columns on the Jackson safe deposit and trust Company “National Branch Bank” building. Children play in the fountain on a hot afternoon. A Stern-wheeler Riverboat plying the river with dense black smoke streaming from its twin stacks. Men from Greece, Ireland, Germany and other parts of the world have settled in Madison. They include a confectioner, a county agent and others. A Greek confectioner inside his shop. A journalist works on a typewriter in an office. He speaks on the phone during a telephone call. A county agent of Dutch descent speaks to clients. An elderly couple from Germany chat and have drinks at a restaurant. A toddler eats pasta while sitting on a highchair. An Italian family eats pasta together at a dining table. Effigy of James Madison, a founding father and the namesake of Madison, Indiana. Farming activities: Farms and houses. Farmer and other men harvest grapes from grapevines. Other farmers harvest tobacco. A woman brings eggs from a hen house. A farmer loads baskets and milk containers on a truck for market day. Market day activities: An open market is set up around the Madison courthouse. A produce merchant sells his products to customers. View of the main street. Buildings seen on either side of the street. Mountains in the background. Recreation activities: Citizens bowling in a club. Ball seen hitting pins up close. They drink at a bar and play billiards and checkers. They dance and watch a movie. Citizens outside the box office, beneath the movie theatre marquee. People inside a movie theater watching a movie. Faces of people as they watch the movie screen. Customers get refreshed at a corner drug store where a crowded soda fountain bar area and tables are shown. Students play band instruments during a school concert. View of churches. Parishioners enter a church gate. They worship and pray. A man holds a fishing rod. He walks towards a lake. (World War II period).Life in the town of Madison, Indiana, on the banks of the Ohio River, in the United States. Scenes in and around the town: Steel highway bridge across river; the town on hillside across the river; Church steeples protruding above tree tops in view from above; tree lined and shaded sidewalk; a tower with ramparts; italian-medieval style tower; gothic doorway on a church; slate rooftops with chimneys protruding and towers and cupola building top visible; Greek-inspired column ; a renaissance-style fountain with statuary. A fraternal building with ramparts; the fire department building with Italian-style tower; Roman columns on the Jackson safe deposit and trust Company building. Children play in the fountain. A Stern-wheeler Riverboat plying the river with dense black smoke streaming from its twin stacks. Men from Greece, Ireland, Germany and other parts of the world have settled in Madison. They include a confectioner, a county agent and others. A man works on a typewriter in an office. He speaks on the phone during a telephone call. A man and a woman chat and have drinks at a restaurant. A family eats dinner or another meal together at a dining table. Farming activities: Farms and houses. Farmer and other men harvest grapes from grapevines. Other farmers harvest tobacco. A woman brings eggs from a hen house. A farmer loads baskets and milk containers on a truck for market day. Market day activities: An open market is set up around the Madison court house. A produce merchant sells his products to customers. View of the main street. Buildings seen on either side of the street. Mountains in the background. Recreation activities: Citizens bowling in a club. Ball seen hitting pins up close. They drink at a bar and play pool and checkers. They dance and watch a movie. Citizens outside the box office, beneath the movie theatre marquee. People inside a movie theater watching a movie. Faces of people as they watch the movie screen. Customers get refreshed at a corner drug store where a crowded soda fountain bar area and tables are shown. Students play band instruments during a school concert. View of churches. Parishioners enter a church gate. They worship and pray. A man holds a fishing rod. He walks towards a lake. (World War II period)

Date: 1943
Duration: 6 min 11 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675056255
Former U.S. President Hoover arrives at the National Republican Convention, Cleveland Ohio.

Former U.S. President Herbert Hoover arrives at the National Republican Convention in Cleveland, Ohio. The President addresses Republican representatives from various states of the USA. A large number of spectators listen to his speech. Press taking photographs of the convention. The signs and banners of the states can be seen. June 1936.

Date: 1936, June
Duration: 4 min 24 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675035777