U.S. Department of Agriculture documentary depicts how rural America used machines to achieve production at a terrible cost to the land and people including erosion and poverty. The Dust Bowl in the Great Plains. Top soil is blown away in a storm. Barren land. Soil washed into the Arkansas River. Layers of soil in the river. Wasted land and rivers due to sheet erosion. Soil destruction, barren land and farms. Texas: A town called "Go Forth" or "Goforth" founded by cotton farmers long ago. Abandoned houses, damaged roads, and unemployed desperate farmers are seen. Emaciated cows search for food. On the edge of the town, migrant landless farmers sit by a fire near a car. Rains and water erode the soil. A sign in a barren eroded patch reads 'Abernathy Furniture Co.'. The wind blows away the top soil.
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