The German assault on France during the Battle of France in World War II. German troops cross a river while under aerial attack. German soldiers advance in a wooded area. French aircraft drop bombs. German soldiers load and fire artillery. Soldiers throw grenades, talk over a field telephone, advance amidst thick undergrowth, and cross fields. A sign for Le Chemin Des ames in the Aisne department. The German convoy proceeds on the route. Soldiers in trucks, artillery, military vehicles advance. An animated map depicts the advance of German Army Group A under General Gerd von Rundstedt across the Somme, Le Chemin Des Dames and Rouen en route to Paris. Advance of Army Group C under General Wilhelm von Leeb and another Army Group under Colonel-General Erwin von Witzleben. Oficers give orders to fire artillery. Soldiers put their palms over their ears during the firing. German tanks advance on a city streets. Soldiers ride armored vehicles amidst rubble and ruins. Artillery and armored vehicles pulled across a bridge. A soldier examines a wrecked tank barrel. A sign for Avancon and Reims in the Ardennes department. Tanks advance on a dirt road. Soldiers on tanks, bicycles and on foot. German soldiers care for wounded mates, give water to comrades on tillers. Abandoned Allied war materiel blocks the German advance. Soldiers amidst wreckage and horses on the streets. German troops advance through a city in the Marne department. A sign reads 'La Marne'. Street fighting in a city. German soldiers take cover under enemy fire. hey cross a stream in boats. Soldiers march with horses, on bicycles, and on foot. German forces cross the Marne on a pontoon bridge. Tanks and armored vehicles cross over. Men dig graves for deceased German soldiers. Soldiers buried. A comrade picks flowers and lays them on the graves. Helmets of the deceased on crosses over the graves.
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