The German assault on France during the Battle of France in World War II. German troops and cavalry advances in France. A sign for Paris, Soissons, and Aisne. German forces enter Paris. Soldiers raise a Nazi flag on the Eiffel Tower. Aerial view of Arc de Triomphe, Champs Elysses and the city of Paris. German troops march before the Arc de Triomphe at Champs Elysses. They pass various Parisian landmarks. German officers in Paris salute parading troops and award Iron Crosses. Close up views of faces of German soldiers in award ceremony. An animated map depicts the German advance towards Normandy and Brittany. soldiers work on the streets. They carry planks and other equipment and climb uphill. German cavalry and infantry cross a river. German artillery bombards the Verdun forts. Soldiers load and fire artillery. A German General reviews troops in Verdun. French troops surrender. Wrecked forts and a WWI monument. German infantry parades past the forts. French civilians and French POWs (Prisoners of War). German forces pass abandoned war material. Troops advance through French towns. German tank men study maps. German soldiers at a road block.
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