Japanese air attack against city of Shanghai, at start of 2nd Sino-Japanese war. Formation of Japanese 93-Shiki Soukei bombers in flight (Mitsubishi Type 93 Twin engine Light Bombers). Bombs falling from aircraft with city seen below. Bomb striking ground with large explosion. Civilians running for cover. Buildings on fire. Bombs striking ships in the Shanghai port. Buildings aflame. Japanese Aichi D3A1 aircraft diving. (anachronistic insert) Panic in the streets as people use any means of escape, carrying belongings in wagons and rushing into the International Settlement, by hundreds, or thousands, moving past British and French soldiers. French soldiers pass an infant to safety, across a barbed wire barrier. Shanghai International Settlement gates are closed as thousands remain outside, pressed against the barriers. Views of Chinese people crammed into the streets. Then they stampede into the center of the city, where some are trapped under falling buildings. More scenes of bomb explosions and burning buildings. A formation of Japanese Mitsubishi G3M bombers in flight overhead. More bombs exploding in the city. Fires burning and heavy smoke rising over the city. Dead and injured Chinese civilians. Firefighters spraying water on burning building. People trying to aid one another amongst dead and dying everywhere. Wounded being carried on stretchers and dead being piled into an open truck. Animated map showing Japanese occupying the entire peninsula east of Shanghai and then executing a coordinated drive through Soochow (Suzhou) and Kahsingfu, toward Nanking (Nanjing).
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