Japanese forces attack city of Nanking in 2nd Sino-Japanese war. Animated map shows Japanese forces moving from Shanghai towards Nanking. Arrow points to the American gunboat, USS Panay, in the Yangtze River. View of the USS Panay in the river, with large American flag displayed on its covering. A Japanese Navy Nakajima E8N reconnaissance plane in flight overhead. Explosions on shore of river as viewed from the USS Panay. Sailors firing anti-aircraft gun from the Panay. Wounded and dead U.S. sailors being evacuated from the gunboat as it sinks from bombing. The evacuation launch pulling away from the Panay. View of the Panay sinking by the stern in the Yangtze. Scene shifts to Chinese troops entrenched in defenses of Nanking. Chinese troops running to defensive positions from their fort. View from above of Japanese artillery crews firing field pieces. View from Japanese lines of shells striking Chinese fortifications on hill in distance. Closeups of Chinese infantry defending from wooded area in hills. Closeup of Japanese soldiers firing 75mm field artillery pieces and infantry advancing as their bugler sounds charge on his horn. View from fortress wall as Chinese army defenders stand ready to meet the charge. Japanese gunners firing 75mm field gun (Model 94). Japanese infantry breaching Chinese defenses and using scaling ladders to climb them. Japanese infantry charging toward the camera. They break open an entrance gate to the Chinese fortress and charge inside. Carrying Rising Sun flag, the Japanese infantry begin attacks within the Nanking city proper. some huddle behind a 75mm gun firing down a street. City buildings falling to shellfire. Infantry running through the city. Dense smoke rising from shelling. Japanese infantry running down an alley, with Pagoda in background. Field piece firing point blank at a building. Fires burning. Japanese troops celebrating victory as the city falls to them.
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