View of a Roman Catholic Cathedral and a procession therefrom along a street lined with spectators in Germany, during the Weimar Republic era. Leading the procession are Roman Catholic clergy and Altar boys. They are followed by Nuns, and groups of women carrying religious books. Uniformed city policemen accompany the procession and a contingent of them marches in the procession. Statesmen participate in the procession along with senior uniformed military officers. Scene shifts to a city square where people are assembled. Here and there, individuals render Nazi salutes. In an open square, several Military leaders of World War 1, meet and greet one another. Among those seen are Field Marshal August von Mackensen in full formal regalia (back to the camera) greeting another officer. Grand Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz, in mufti, is seen greeting another officer. The old World War 1 military leaders exchange salutes and greetings. A formation of uniformed soldiers stands in the background. Camera follows one German officer as the festivities end and he walks, alone, across the vast cobblestone square. Several automobiles transit the square. A fountain is seen in the far background.
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