Cubans react to the realization that Communism has come to Cuba. A crowd gathered for a demonstration. People set fire to things during the demonstration. Soldiers keep a vigil on the streets. A meeting of Anti-Communists. Key West, Florida: Demonstrations by the Christian Anti-Communist Group. Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro's effigy hanged from a pillar. Various Anti-Castro groups form the Democratic Revolutionary Front in Miami. It is led by Manuel Antonio de Varona, the former Prime Minister of Cuba. He addresses a meeting of the Front. The U.S. and Cuban flag on either side of the table. The Front officials during a discussion. They blame Castro for taking over Cuba, terror, political murder, and call for his overthrow. A woman types the charges made on Castro. They work towards their goal through the means of radio programs. A radio announcer speaks over a microphone. New York City: Anti-Castro exiles stage a rally near the statue of Cuban nationalist leader Jose Julian Marti Perez in Central Park. They get into a scuffle with Castro's supporters. The police try to control the fighting mob.
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