Hotel Riviera in Havana. The staff at the hotel entrance. Hotel Capri. The deserted reception. Prime Minister Fidel Castro hosts his own television program called 'The Television World Asks'. Castro looks at a passport. He speaks over a microphone, points to a paper, makes long speeches. Evidence of sabotage on the table. The audience. Castro seated at the table. He responds to people's questions. He launches an attack on the Spanish ambassador. The ambassador reaches the studio and accuses Castro of slandering. Castro's men try to control him. Castro orders the ambassador out of Cuba. Castro's supporters follow the ambassador and shout slogans against him. People demonstrate with banners and boards. The Government takes control of all media and implements censorship. Workers inside a printing press. The Radio Continental building. The Ministry of Labor takes over the nation's tobacco and cigarette industry. The Cuban flag hung from a building. Cuba's Farm Minister arrives at an airport to meet Communist leaders. A large crowd gathered. Reporters take down notes. A man and a woman look at a fruit. A photographer clicks pictures. Women in a market. Women pack cartons. Sergei Kudryatsev chosen as the new Soviet Ambassador to Cuba. Czechoslovakian, Polish, Chinese and other Communist delegations in Cuba. They survey a housing complex under construction, and visit factories and industries.
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