World War 2 scenes related to the Philippines. Opening shot shows Japanese troops unceremoniously taking down American flag in 1942, followed by superimposed images of Japanese soldiers boots trampling over U.S. flags. Next, U.S. Lieutenant General Jonathan Wainwright with members of his staff, are seen seated at a table in the Japanese headquarters building on Bataan to discuss surrender with General Masaharu Homma, Commander of the 14th Japanese Imperial Army. Homma has General Wachi at his left and Colonel Nakayama to his right. Repetition of the superimposed Japanese army boots trampling American flags. Next, U.S. defenders of Corregidor are seen surrendering to Japanese troops in 1942, and then being marched under guard to Mariveles, where the infamous Death March commenced. Several views of the American and Filipino prisoners marching under guard. Glimpse of American combat helmets piled up in a heap. Views of the POWs without helmets, using white cloths over their heads to protect from the sun. Huge numbers of POWs held in an open area for the night, and then marching again during the day. One who had fainted is carried in a blanket by several others. Illustrations of POWs being tortured by Japanese soldiers. Views of two POWs, who died during the march, lying on the ground. Next scene shows emaciated Allied POWs in 1945 being freed by American soldiers from a Japanese prison camp. American soldiers speaking with another group is a section of prison behind a sign reading: "Dysentary, Keep Out." Undernourished former prisoners of war eating a meal. One smoking a cigarette. Aerial view showing large swaths of Manila, Philippines, destroyed by Japanese forces retreating from advancing American forces. Smoke rising along a line of destruction in the background. Bodies of numerous Filipinos lying amid rubble in the streets of Manila. Many have hands tied behind their backs. Glimpse of dead children. Cadres of Japanese soldiers raising victory cheers. New Japanese conscripts in large formations during military training for new recruits following draft. Japanese naval trainees in white uniforms, waving their hats. Huge crowd of Japanese people cheering, followed by view of Emperor Hirohito, in Army uniform, saluting as he stands on a balcony. Cheering Japanese people, at a rally in a stadium.
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