Overlaid on scenes of fervently patriotic Japanese people waving flags and cheering, is slate reading: "Japan is firmly determined to fight a hundred years war to crush the United States." A huge explosion. Glimpse of U.S. Marine Flame Thrower Tank M67 directing flame on a Japanese bunker. U.S. marines charging in an amphibious assault on a Japanese held Pacific Island during World War 2. U.S. troops wading through surf from their landing craft, during amphibious assault. Marines fighting Japanese in Pacific Island jungle. Landing craft at beach in background. American flag being raised on a palm tree. Soldier saluting the American flag. General Douglas MacArthur wading ashore in the Philippines followed by staff officers and soldiers, including Filipinos. U.S. aircraft bombing Japanese held Corregidor in the Philippines. U.S. Navy ships bombarding the Philippine coast. American paratroopers of the 503rd Parachute Infantry Regiment, jumping at low altitude, from C-47 aircraft onto a critical hill known as "Topside" on Corregidor. Views from ground of paratroopers descending. and landing at the hilltop. U.S. troops in an amphibious assault, under fire. The American flag being formally raised as General MacArthur and other officers salute the flag. Marines in amphibious assault on Iwo Jima. A U.S. battleship firing at the coast. Explosions along the coast from Naval bombardment. Marines charging across the black sands of Iwo Jima. Marines firing a 75mm Pack Howitzer M1. Shells exploding at the base of Mount Suribachi. The famous flag raising by Marines on Iwo Jima. American forces attacking the Japanese Island of Okinawa. A Landing Ship Medium (R) firing rockets at Okinawa. Numerous explosions ashore. The USS LSM(R)-198 firing rockets. U.S. troops using a flame thrower to attack Japanese troops in a bunker. A Japanese defender is shot and tumbles down a hill from a fortification. American flag raising on Okinawa. Army officers salute the colors. A U.S. Navy destroyer firing its stern 8-inch guns. A Japanese warship struck by a bomb or shell, with flash of fire and explosion. More views of U.S. Navy warships bombarding Okinawa. A torpedo seen below the water as it is launched A Japanese ship exploding with fireball and huge cloud of smoke. Glimpse of helmsmen inside U.S. submarine. A formation of Douglas SBD Dauntless Dive Bomber aircraft peels off, and dives. A Japanese ship being strafed and bombed. It explodes. U.S. Army Air Forces B-29 bomber aircraft taking off from captured islands to attack Japan. A formation of B-29s in flight. B-29s flying over Japan. Mount Fuji is visible. B-29 raining bombs on Japan. View from aircraft as bombs strike, exploding on ground. Closeup of falling bomb. Huge clouds of smoke rising from struck targets. More views of B-29 aircraft in flight. Some leaving contrails at high altitude. View from bridge of U.S. battleship bow plunging into heavy seas that cover deck. (Ship's forward triple gun turrets are visible.) Aerial view of landing craft speeding toward a beach, leaving white wake in water. Glimpse of U.S. battleship, in camouflage paint, bombarding a shore. Closeup of twin 40mm Bofors anti aircraft guns being fired from U.S. Navy ship. A Japanese Kamikaze airplane on fire, falling through flak clouds. A Japanese Mitsubishi G4M bomber aircraft flying low past a U.S. Aircraft Carrier. U.S. Navy sailors on a ship's deck firing a twin 40mm bofors gun. A Japanese Kamikaze airplane hit and in flames as it falls. A squadron of U.S. aircraft in formation. Gun camera film of Japanese airplane bursting into flames while being shot at by U.S. aircraft. Flaming aircraft falling straight down towards the water and splashing on contact. U.S. troops wade through surf as they leave Landing Ship Infantry Large USS LCI(L)-337. Troops rush past a beached Landing Vehicle Tracked (LVT) on sand beach. Troops in tracked landing vehicles approaching the shore from a cove. White smoke in the area. A banner erected at shore reading: "CIC." Explosions nearby. Soldiers using a flame thrower. Scene shifts to U.S. Secretary of War, Henry Lewis Stimson, speaking from his office in Washington, DC. He speaks of destroying Japan's armed forces and war fighting capability. A soldier shouting with a beached LVT behind him. American soldiers firing small arms from sheltered positions. An artillery soldier closing the breech of a heavy gun after loading it. Montage of scenes similar to all seen already. A liberty bell and "V" for victory is shown.
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