Opening scene shows Major General Robert H. Soule, Commander of the Third Infantry Division, in Korea, speaking to a soldier, from a a jeep. His jeep moves past a U.S. tank. A U.S. Chaffee tank (named "Belle") drives past the camera. (Narrator notes that the enemy opened the gates of the Chowan Reservoir to flood the area, after U.S. forces secured the southern edge of the "Iron Triangle".) Two Patton tanks are seen at water's edge. Another is making way through the water. Three U.S. soldiers atop a hill. One looks through a pair of binoculars. U.S. infantry walking downhill beside a dry culvert. One examines an area of straw, that might hide enemy soldiers. He throws a grenade into it, that explodes raising smoke and noise. UN forces moving easily across roads and paths in the valley. (Narrator notes that in the meantime enemy forces infiltrated into the surrounding hills and then attacked with ferocity.) UN forces firing a 155 mm long tom howitzer to counter the enemy. Artillery barrages continuing through the night. U.S. troops firing 105mm howitzers, and a 60mm light field mortar. More views of various pieces of artillery being fired by African American U.S. Army soldiers. Smoke rising from the surrounding hills as artillery shells explode.
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