U.S. forces on the move to encircle the Iron Triangle, and blast the enemy from the hilltops during the Korean War. The first scene shows a U.S. Sherman tank carrying about 15 American infantrymen who occupy every possible space atop the tank. It is followed by a Patton tank, also covered with American infantry getting a ride. Fuzzy view of a tank in field with traces of snow. U.S. gun crew firing a towed field howitzer. Closeup of American Lieutenant commanding artillery. He is using a field telephone. Another crew firing a mortar. Shells exploding on the hilltops. U.S. soldiers observing with binoculars from a bunker. Numerous explosions of many kinds of ordnance in the hills. Soldier firing a 30-caliber Browning air-cooled machine gun. Another American soldier firing a sub-machine gun. Other infantrymen firing fully automatic rifles. A U.S. Air Force F-51 Mustang fighter plane drops napalm on a target. Another Mustang fighter dives low to fire rockets and strafe an enemy position. Many more views of American artillery, tanks, and machine guns firing at the hills. Infantry move uphill to occupy the hilltops. Two are seen carrying flame throwers. As the infantry enter woods on a hillside, a flamethrower is employed. Troops in a sandbagged position in a town. Sick and wounded Korean civilians lie on litters in a paved area from where they are being placed into trucks.
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