Operations of United Nations troops in Korea during the Korean War. U.S. Army Major General, William K. Harrison, Jr, and U.S. Navy Vice Admiral C. Turner Joy, arrive at Panmunjom for initial peace talks with North Korean military officials. They walk past several tents and enter one. North Korean Officers walk across a field, with other structures and tents visible in background. In complete, unrelated change of scene, a contingent of the Philippine Expeditionary force is welcomed by Maj Gen Robert H Soule, Commanding General, 3rd Division and Philippine Colonel Dionisio Ojeda, who both exchange salutes with the troops on September 5, 1951. Various views of the Philippine troops being reviewed by General Soule, and in several formations. Closeup of a Philippine Captain at the front of some troops. General Soule and Colonel Ojeda standing in front of a tent, accompanied by other Philippine officers and a military photographer. Infantrymen of the 3rd Division firing rifles and M1919 Browning .30 caliber medium machine guns from cover in brush. Allied troops walk along the sides of a road. (Narrator says "A brief lull came to an end with Operation Cleanup.")
A Patton tank loaded with infantrymen getting a lift uphill. Another moving downhill. Views of American tanks firing rounds in hilly terrain. An American soldier using a periscopic artillery range finder. Aircraft making bombing runs over the ridgeline. Next, United Nations forces are seen establishing defensive positions along the so-called Jamestown line. Tanks and infantry are deployed and seen in hardened bunker positions.
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