An Indian Prince rides in an elaborate carriage atop a decorated elephant in a procession in Bombay India. The procession passes what appears to be an elevated memorial statue protected by an elaborate four-posted pergola. A decorative city gate and multi-domed buildings are also seen. Scene shifts to a mosque, where a large outdoor gathering of Muslims pray en masse. A jubilant group of them, some wearing the Fez, smile and wave to the camera. Complete change of scene shows Indian Nationalist leader, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, outdoors, under a canopy, of Nationalist flags, in front of a building. He is surrounded by supporters. The next scene shows a man holding a Nationalist flag being accosted by police. Further unrest is shown as police and British authorities use truncheons and beat protestors to break up a gathering of Nationalists in a square near the Lloyds Bank building. A Red Cross worker carries an injured man over his shoulder. An injured man lying in the street. An ambulance of Medical Brigade Bombay, No. 2, arrives at the scene of the demonstration as authorities continue to break up the gathering. (Note: Reportedly, 150 persons were killed in this unrest, by the end of the day.)
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